
How to export a data base from DataGrip at one SQL file?

powerit 2023. 10. 10. 21:17

How to export a data base from DataGrip at one SQL file?

How I can export a data base from DataGrip at one SQL file as phpmyadmin export?

If I use Dump Data To Files, DataGrip save one table at one file.

And how I can create backup of all MySQL databases, which open in DataGrip?

Old thread here, but for those who may stumble upon it, the newer versions of DataGrip have a new option, "dump with mysqldump", that will let you generate a dump contained in a single .sql output file.

enter image description here

Running DataGrip 2016.2.5 you can select sever tables and right click->Copy DDL. That puts a drop/create script on the clipboard, which you can then paste into a text file.

I just got the DataGrip 2016.2.1 update this morning. It looks like the feature has been added (at least for SQL SERVER, the only one I tested). It wasn't available in the previous version - I tried.

테이블 범위를 선택하고 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭하거나 데이터베이스 이름을 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭합니다.Dump Data to Files이제 옵션이 있습니다.

Unfortunately, it still dumps to multiple files. But it beats the heck out of right-clicking on each table in turn.

You can now tick "Single File" while choosing "Dump Data to File(s)" in DataGrip 2018.3.1enter image description here

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